WEST Snowboard is happy to celebrate Snowboarding this year again !
Our successful concept will not change, we keep blending the same ingredients for a perfect week-end of pure snowboard shred and lifestyle !
We are glad to count with us this winter again few other brands and their activities to make this Event funnier, better and even more interesting for all of us
What is Snowboarding celebration?
It’s a concept created in 2016 by the brand WEST Snowboarding
Base on the fact that most of the Snowboard business events are becoming less and less popular, that only few shops are showing up due to a lack of interest and due to the fact that these trade shows are getting boring, expensive and mostly at a terrific schedule for the shops … and maybe also because what we want first of all is to SHRED; WEST decided to come with this innovative concept ! (so innovative that it’s a simple copy-paste of what happen back in the 90’s).
Snowboarding celebration is simply about enjoying snowboard and having a great time together
It’s meant to be a meeting between brands, pro-riders, shop owners, employees and end consumers in matter to exchange ideas, news, product’s images & informations. To show some new videos, projects & products. To test them if wanted.
But it can also be none of this, if you just want to come to have fun, meet peoples, shred all day long and drink beers. It’s up to you to appreciate this event the way you want to live it.
Words of WEST founders:
“When we started West Snowboarding only 4 years ago we came with this ideal word: ECLECTIC / we are all coming from different places, we have a different past and different story, we all discovered snowboarding on a different way. For most of us it might be powder, for some others it was through skateboarding, some others just use it to fly. Even for quite a big bunch, it was Carving the best. Some of us push it to high-mountain, splitboarding or some are shredding only in cities on walls and metal edges. Our spirit may have been mostly peaceful and respectful on mother nature, enjoying quiet time in the endless mountain ranges whilst some others were getting shitface in the street listening to gangsta or punk music. We come from countryside, mountain, seaside or maybe from the heart of the ghetto and we still meet and shred together. This is us, Snowboarders, and why do we snowboard? Because we all love that feeling! This bloody board under our feet erases our differences to simply connect together. No matter what.”
That’s what Snowboarding Celebration is about // connecting this bunch of passionate guys together and make «Snowboarding Great Again»
Program of the week-end (so far).
Friday November 9th – Arrival and potential first day of Shredding
Avant Première Swiss of YES Video with the presence of some YES pro riders
90’s hip-hop PARTY
Saturday November 10th – Shred on the glacier / Test of products from the Brands WEST-YES-NOW-ELECTRIC-ANTICONF
EVENING mini ramp SK8 Session by VOLCOM
Sk8 Session and best or worst trick contest
Free Hot Dogs for all
Sunday November 11th – Hangover Shred on the glacier / Test of products from the Brands WEST-YES-NOW-ELECTRIC-ANTICONF
EVENING Beer-Pong contest by WEST
Beer Pong and chill time
Swiss Fondue optional
Monday November 12th – Proper Shred to death on the glacier
Return back home whenever you want
SHRED SPOT: Glacier3000 Diablerets-Gstaad:
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Last edition